Monday, March 17, 2008

I can't hear myself

I have officially lost my voice by the end of today.

Sometimes its just irritating that one has to be restricted of certain privileges because one is ill.

Take me for example, slight fever with sore throat, yet I'm craving for a nice ramli burger and some fries!!! haha! I know its for my own good that I'm not supposed to be consuming such junk food.

But its a step of faith!!! A positive step to Act as if I'm not ill at all !! A step to be myself and behave how i would normally would, when I'm not sick!

Oh well.

Looking forward to a 4 day work week :)

"Keep me safe O God,
for in you I take refuge"

- Psalm 16:1 -

Confusion, stirring deep within,
Unable to express.
Compartmentalizing inner thoughts,
Sorting out the mess.


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