Monday, February 18, 2008

New Week Ahead!

This saturday's Cell's cycling trip at Ubin / Chek Jawa :

-> 23rd Feb 2008

Meeting time
-> 11.20am

Meeting Venue
-> Changi Village Bus Terminal, Alighting Berth

Recommended Inventories to bring
-> Cash (inclusive for lunch, dinner, bike rental, drinks)
-> Water Bottle
-> Extra Clothings to change into after the event
-> Towel
-> Mobile Cellular Communicator, with a activated SIM card inserted.

For a slightly more detailed plan, refer to the Exercise Plan of the conduct of the activity, by clicking on the link under the "Upcoming Events" section on your right.

I have to continuously to behave in faith. to behave in the manner where I am not sick. And to stop proclaiming that i'm ill. ROAR!

Some trainee in the past week have been coughing and hacking coughing and hacking coughing and hacking coughing and hacking coughing and hacking coughing and hacking coughing and hacking coughing and hacking coughing and hacking coughing and hacking coughing and hacking coughing and hacking coughing and hacking coughing and hacking coughing and hacking coughing and hacking coughing and hacking coughing and hacking coughing and hacking coughing and hacking coughing and hacking coughing and hacking coughing and hacking coughing and hacking coughing and hacking coughing and hacking coughing and hacking coughing and hacking coughing and hacking coughing and hacking coughing and hacking non-stop during one of the pratical test I conducted. I think i might have caught the stupid Bug from him. Only 3 weeks ago i was cured from another case of bad cold! Ugh. Why is my immune system so compromised? Oh well. Going to have a good night sleep soon!

"Seeing you again with a smile,
as you walk down that aisle.
The memorable day may have passed,
but know that it'll not be the last."


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