Sunday, February 10, 2008


And in case if i haven't wished you guys, Blessed Belated Lunar New Year!!

Time to usher in the year of the rodents! woo!

This period is always the same period to put on some kilograms, all the roasted pork, pineapple tarts, abalone, salmon, steamboats. So easy to gain, yet its so hard to burn all those evil triglycerides, especially those in the adipocytes in our belly area. haha!

I shall break my 2008's resolution (that is to stop making new year's resolution), and have a new lunar new year's resolution;

-> I will attempt to reduce calory intake by having a heavier breakfast, no lunch and a light dinner to end my day. This will take into effect from this coming monday onwards. Screw my lunch indent in camp man, food is terrible there too. oh well, thats another story for another day.

-> I will attempt to stop making supper from now. (give me 1 week, and i'll break this stupid resolution)

Ms Alice Tan. Im trying very hard to recall her name. I think its that. She's the one who changed my life, on Bus 53, back in 21st November 1998.

"He is knocking on your door at your heart, do you want to open the door for him to enter?"

Nervous for tomorrow, or rather, later. haha. Guess its normal. the fact that i'm emotionally bogged down by several redundant issues aint helping man...

"Singing for the audience of One..."


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