Wednesday, March 19, 2008


The weather's improving over the past few days, thank God. I can literally hear birds chirping outside my office. What a blessed day :)

Last week, i could remember on one of the nights, as I was taking a short stroll towards Elias mall, it reminded me of the times in South Korea, when the mercury level plunged. It was almost as cold as I were to turn on my air conditioning. Yep it was comfortable though. Tucking your hands into your pocket, enjoying the cold icy-like breeze, reflecting and thinking of life.

My vocal box is healing, thankfully. I can finally hear myself say a complete sentence. Sore throat isn't as bad as before, doesn't hurt as bad when i swallow. My febrile condition has been cured too.

Too many people around me have been falling sick recently, no thanks to the weather. Must remain prayerful!


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