Come to think of it, not cultivating a constant reading habit is deplorable. And unfortunately, that was how I was brought up back in the 90's. Thankfully, both my parents are English speaking or else one would imagine me as a typical Hokkien-peng who constantly uses the four-letter flowery vocab in every sentence. With that, i guess that made me who I am today, one who prefers materials which involves visuals as compared to words and literature.
Studying biology, a subject which I enjoy, with only words can be painful too if there isn't illustrations to explain certain facts and concepts. I believe some might snigger at the fact that i'm tutoring English. I thank God for the opportunity too i guess, during such process I too, have learn many new words and language structure which I didn't come across before.
Jonas' English results improved! The PSLE Prelims are over and the real hurdle to conquer for all primary 6 students is fast approaching.
Most books I ever opened or read in my life are mainly non-fictions. To transit over to fictions is quite a big jump, and I tried, but somehow I can't stay on for long. Haha. Oh well. Perhaps I should give it another shot, someday. Haha.

"as the morning wakes,
we your children give you praise!
you are magnificent, eternally,
wonderful, glorious,
Jesus, no one ever will compare to you Jesus."
It was indeed beautiful. Caught the sunrise on Tuesday morning, after mugging with flannery overnight at Macdonalds.
Look at the vast creation of beauty. Then look at us. Have we any idea how insignificantly puny we are? Yet, our Father still cares and loves us.
"what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?
You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings
and crowned him with glory and honor."
- Psalms 8:4,5 -
Studying biology, a subject which I enjoy, with only words can be painful too if there isn't illustrations to explain certain facts and concepts. I believe some might snigger at the fact that i'm tutoring English. I thank God for the opportunity too i guess, during such process I too, have learn many new words and language structure which I didn't come across before.
Jonas' English results improved! The PSLE Prelims are over and the real hurdle to conquer for all primary 6 students is fast approaching.
Most books I ever opened or read in my life are mainly non-fictions. To transit over to fictions is quite a big jump, and I tried, but somehow I can't stay on for long. Haha. Oh well. Perhaps I should give it another shot, someday. Haha.

"as the morning wakes,
we your children give you praise!
you are magnificent, eternally,
wonderful, glorious,
Jesus, no one ever will compare to you Jesus."
It was indeed beautiful. Caught the sunrise on Tuesday morning, after mugging with flannery overnight at Macdonalds.
Look at the vast creation of beauty. Then look at us. Have we any idea how insignificantly puny we are? Yet, our Father still cares and loves us.
"what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?
You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings
and crowned him with glory and honor."
- Psalms 8:4,5 -
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