Thursday, August 14, 2008

Life Sciences

"Pathology", a murder thriller that's currently screening in The Cathay this week. The vast knowledge of science, the understanding, appreciation of various mechanism of actions of various chemicals, anaphylaxis, to determine the causes of deaths; and how one can abuse that intelligence for selfish reasons, at the expense of lives. To commit murder with their skills, and no commonman would have the slightest clue to its causeh. Is it any wonder why God forbade Adam and Eve from eating the fruit from the tree in the middle of the Garden?

Out of 5, I give it 4 popcorns!

On the other end of the Spectrum, "Space Chimps" was such a disappointment!! From the makers of Shrek, I would expect some standard and plot in the animation! Yes there were funny moments, but rarely, as the Movie trailers have "Spoilt" most of it. Scene changes in the movie were sudden and abrupt. In short, it was a bore. I'm sorry. The storyline, characters, depth of its plot, animation of Final Fantasy X is 17000 times better.

Out of 5, I give it Half a Popcorn!

Large screens aside,

Remember the little device most of us used to play with? A lil screen containing black pixels, and 3 grey buttons on the side? That electronic thing could be the only Pet some of us would have ever owned in our life. Haha. The classic Tamagotchi! From a lil egg to a Chick, we have to constantly provide it with food, spend quality time with our pet by playing some lil dumb games by pressing some buttons repeatedly. And of course, to clean and bathe the lil creature once in awhile too.

Taking care of Baby is almost similar to looking after your TamaGotchi Pet. Except that this time, Baby is more alive than just moving Pixels, Real food is used, its Pee and Poo are real, and you consistently need to shower it with lots of love and attention rather than just pressing buttons every few hours.

My adorable Baby tends to chew on anything that's "Bite-able" (if there's such a word). From floor mats, my mum's heels, my Fluffy Doggie Slippers, Tissue papers, Sofa edges, my fingers, my toes, my USB cable, my bag, some metal chain attached to my pull-out bed, Dad's home slippers, to paper bags.

And its adorable watching her running off with items, and hiding at one corner hoping that we do not catch her while she nibbles on her newly found "toy". Yes I know I'm supposed to be doing my part and disciplining her, but i guess my soft heart is constantly forbidding me to punish and scold her as much as my mum would.

"Time waits for no man,
as life takes its course.
Do not hesitate to express,
before the opportunity is lost."


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