Thursday, July 17, 2008

Tea leaves

Praise God for the morning once again.

Everytime the sun rises, we know that it's gonna be another day of hope, another new day of life.

Another new day where taxi rides will cost more from today. Haha! For those who are unaware, each ride on a Comfort or a YellowTop cabs will cost 30 cents more! Bringing the starting fare to a whooping $3.10! (2.80 + 0.30 fuel surcharge)

Thankfully there are still consumables which is still affordable. I'm now at MacDonalds enjoying a tasty Sausage McMuffin and a cup of hot tea for breakfast, for only 2 bucks. Hopefully, his offer would still remain in the coming months. With Class95 playing at the background, a MacBook in front, my Bible on my side, sipping tea after every few bites of chicken sausage, living the fact that I'm not crawling with my rile in some forested area, this is one perfect way to start any morning :)

Time to revise some of my eating habits. I realize I spend a fortune on food alone, and if left unsupervised, I think i'm susceptible to bankruptcy soon. But then on the other hand, I can hear my stomach threatening me, if i neglect it by not consuming Sashimi, pizzas, steaks, it will rebel by inhibiting its apoptosis mechanism and will turn itself cancerous on me.

On a more serious note, if everything goes well, I should be starting school in September. Yep.

Tennis at 10am later.

Have a blessed Thursday!

“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me,
All the days of my life,
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord

- Psalm 23:6 -


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