Wednesday, August 15, 2007

muffins anyone?

"and i thank God for food..."

I finally know what they mean when they say that breakfast is the most important meal of all. and i agree! It starts your day right, make you feel good and ready for today's work, and gives you a smile! and of course it also comes with the energy to live for the day. accompany breakfast with prayer in the morning, i do not see how we will dread our day.

And of course, like all other claims and statements, it comes with a certain fine print which states the terms and conditions. of which, most of us cant be bothered to read.

For example, when you sign up for a new cellphone line, how many of us actually spend time time reading the FULL long pages containing the terms and conditions? most of the time we dumb customers will just listen to the sales person, get persuaded by him/her to sign up blah blah... and just sign on the dotted line, without reading the full terms.

We all know that the 3 mobile telcos in singapore provide free incoming calls all day for most postpaid suscription. but if you read their fine print...

M1's free incoming calls are valid till 31st dec 2009.

While starhub's free incoming are valid till 31st dec 2008. About one year plus remaining.

Yep, we know that they most likely might continue providing the free incoming calls service after their expiry date, so as to keep consumers, like us, happy.

But there is also another possibility...

All three telcos could just stop providing the free incoming service when it reaches the stipulated date. And if there isnt any other new telco services available, we all have to start paying for our incoming calls form then...

All they have to do is to cite an increase in operating cost and that they are unable to provide this service anymore as it will not be financially sound.

Who knows...

haha. just as how certain transport companys are boasting of 30+ millions of profits quarterly, and are still wanting to increase fares, citing increased operating cost as an excuse a reason.

Anyway... back to terms and conditions regarding breakfast being the most important meal of all.

1) breakfast we eat must be something we love... it will not work if we eat something distatseful or something we dislike.

2) Time. We must have a good amount of time to slowly consume our breakfast. If we rush... how are we to enjoy breakfast? how are we savour the great tatse of the chicken sasage and muffin?

So the question of the day is... have you had your breakfast yet?


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