Thursday, November 1, 2007


I know i'm supposed to be asleep. just occurred to me that i need find a particular soundtrack for my boss for the upcoming Parade this Friday! another rehearsal tomorrow.

uploading to my player and I'm knocking out soon.

"To overcome a habit that has lasted for years is no easy feat.

It requires lots of strength.
heaps of will power.

It requires lots of discipline.
lots of self-control.

Energy will be drained.
Emotions will be low.

We begin to hate the sin.
We move on to blame God for creating the source.

It has destroyed part of my life.
And no way i will let it damage further.

But so much effort has gone into it.
so much resources.

All the time spent.
All the money spent.

It will be all gone.

It's because I am blessed by my Creator.
I am blessed by His grace and gifts.
Blessed by my friends.
Loved by my family.

It is now that I have to put all aside.

I will hurt no one anymore.

I love my family.
I love my friends.
I love the bonds and relationships that's been forged.

To put it all behind.
To give it all up.
It hurts.
It really hurts.

But its worth it.

Because i am an overcomer.
Because i treasure what is real.
Because i treasure my loved ones.
Because i treasure my friends.
Because i treasure my life."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

whatever u are going thru, if it is for God and for the better, no matter how difficult it may be, God wil not give u more than u can bear.

one day u wil overcome it and u will know all that u've been thru is worth it.

Begin with the end in mind..
FFs wil always support u..


November 1, 2007 at 10:53 AM  

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