21 years
"Forever thankful forever grateful,
I could never ask for more.
Friends, loved ones,
They're all my precious ore.
Always blessed Always favoured,
Showered with so much love.
All this could not be possible,
without the blessing from the One above."
21 years of existance... and I am thankful for everything. My personal theme for my 21st birthday is simple. To spend time with my good friends and family. To catch up, and to fellowship with one another. To enjoy life with each other with one of the many great things in life: Food.
Yepyep, you will now learn of Eugene's LOL, also known as Eugene's Law of Life.
This law states that;
For any living human being to remain mentally sound throughout his/her lifetime, he/she needs the combination of the FFF.
- Friends
- Family
- Food
22th September 2007 :
- Dinner at Conrad -




Flannery, Daniel, Jared, Me
26th September 2007 :
- Picnic at Botanic Gardens -

28th September 2007 :
- Night Cycling in Singapre -

Oyster Ommelette @ Esplanade xD

Fish and Chicken Porridge @ Chinatown

Teh Tarik @ Ma Raj Restaurant opposite Mustafa centre
29th September 2007 :
- Dinner at Home -

To my Parents:
Thanks for everything! Thanks for bring me up when you guys were at such young age! I don't know how you guys did it... but the fact that i'm alive and well now shows that you all did a superb job!! Mum and Dad... never failing to look after me when i'm sick, never failing to encourage me when i flunk my exams, never failing to advise me whenever I need help. Yep, this is my same Dad who went down to my secondary school and went after a guy who punched me for no reason. This my same mum who helped me jumped queue in her clinic when i was down with a fever despite having so many other ill patients.
To my younger Brother:
do you know how freaking bored will I be without you? Imagine watching FRIENDS, Simpsons, Spongebob squarepants, The Practice, Boston Legal and other tv shows alone?? my great companion at home... all the eating, playing of our playstation together... i miss the younger days...
To my Siglap Sec Sch mates:
Choon Lim, Nashran, Samantha:
My few good friends back in siglap... Lets go back to the swing one day again shall we? Then followed by a Anti-sprites and Anti-Faerie Dragon bashing... mmm... haha... remembered how we kept playing HeroesIII last time, when the next day was our Math Exam?
Rajes: Forever bubbly and cheery... and I love ur mum's cooking cant wait for deepavalli!! haha!
Cheryl, Serene: Fellow Muggers during O lvls at Macdonals... smart friendly gals...
To my poly mates:
YeeFung, KianKai, JinCai, ShiYou:
Band of brudders!! after graduation, all in different paths now... so much catching up to do. lets all survive NS together!!
Kelvin, Victor, Lihuey, Joanne, Ian:
Will always remember the PBL ordeal... am honoured to have worked with so many smart ppl like you all!
Smile more bro!! and maybe you wont scare me often anymore. haha jk! Thanks for all the tips and companion during our Gym sessions man...
Smart and competitive... admire your leadership skills and the ability to run further thanmost all of us in our class! haha! thks for for pushing me and the rest of us during our course of our studies!
An-An, WeiWei, Samu:
Sakae Sushi? followed by chilling out at the merlion after that? without you guys, my life after school might become a bore... miss the good ol days...
Amanda, Jen, JieMin, LingWei, XiongQiang, LiWei:
Lets meet up at Minds Cafe again soon!! Tentative Date is on 20th Oct!
OLTC Havoc members:
Phyllis: Glad to have known you... Talented girl, remember to continue dancing for our Heavenly Father, all the best in your future endeavors in all your coming mission trips!
HuiJing, Brenda, ZhiWei, Shingo, Eric:
HAVOC!! great leaders... continue to remain jovial guys!!
to my Cell Group:
When i was the only guy left in the cell once upon a time, God finally heard my cries and sent you to join us! w00t! thks for all the prayer support, all the companionship, and everything... If I could define the term "Best Buddy", i would define it as "Jared".
Christopher, Douglas Tian:
Close buddies back in Sec 2... and still remember the funny times playing Neopets toegther. HAHA! You guys are one of the reasons why I enjoyed church fellowship so much back in the younger days.
Grace Chong:
Loyal and Sincere. Not surpried that God has blessed you with so many friends, in singapore and abroad. Thks for being a great sister-in-christ till now. Memories of all the times in dramalight and cell will always remain.
I always remember the day you made all of us remember your handphone number on the very first day u took over. Very motivated for the Lord, one who made an impact in my Christian life when I started out as a noob... love your dramas!
My bus buddy! Still remember how we will take bus 293 from church to tampines interchange, then take bus 27 to Airport, followed by bus 53 back home. Great friend... very loyal. i thank God for you!
Lets pull through together! Lets survive our NS tour while remaining sane!! great buddy to hang out with... we have more buffets yet to choing for!!
FAITHFUL friend! we know you aren't pregnant of course!! xD (well not yet, at least for the next year or two... or three...) God has really blessed you with a great voice to bless others! How do i know? because i'm one of them who has been blessed by it...
Rest of cell members:
Thanks for the support and friendship that you guys have showered me when I first stepped in in Sec 1!! you guys will never be forgotten...
Choir members:
My latest group of friends that God has blessed me recently!!
Crazy women. period. HAHA!! Fervent for God... knows when to be serious, when to laugh and play around. Someone whom I respect.
God has blessed me with another sister-in-christ! And I am very grateful for wad you did for me on my bday and your gift! hmmm... perhaps I have found someone to pamper in the days to come?
Sweet lil girl since the days of dramalight! and now a cell grp leader and my senior in choir...
Rest of the choir:
Lets all continue to Sing for our Lord guys!! Thanks for the guidance and friendship and laughters!!
So many people, so many friends... for those whose name i didn't mention... dun worry, you all are still remembered xD
I could never ask for more.
Friends, loved ones,
They're all my precious ore.
Always blessed Always favoured,
Showered with so much love.
All this could not be possible,
without the blessing from the One above."
21 years of existance... and I am thankful for everything. My personal theme for my 21st birthday is simple. To spend time with my good friends and family. To catch up, and to fellowship with one another. To enjoy life with each other with one of the many great things in life: Food.
Yepyep, you will now learn of Eugene's LOL, also known as Eugene's Law of Life.
This law states that;
For any living human being to remain mentally sound throughout his/her lifetime, he/she needs the combination of the FFF.
- Friends
- Family
- Food
22th September 2007 :
- Dinner at Conrad -
Flannery, Daniel, Jared, Me
26th September 2007 :
- Picnic at Botanic Gardens -

28th September 2007 :
- Night Cycling in Singapre -
Oyster Ommelette @ Esplanade xD
Fish and Chicken Porridge @ Chinatown
Teh Tarik @ Ma Raj Restaurant opposite Mustafa centre
29th September 2007 :
- Dinner at Home -

To my Parents:
Thanks for everything! Thanks for bring me up when you guys were at such young age! I don't know how you guys did it... but the fact that i'm alive and well now shows that you all did a superb job!! Mum and Dad... never failing to look after me when i'm sick, never failing to encourage me when i flunk my exams, never failing to advise me whenever I need help. Yep, this is my same Dad who went down to my secondary school and went after a guy who punched me for no reason. This my same mum who helped me jumped queue in her clinic when i was down with a fever despite having so many other ill patients.
To my younger Brother:
do you know how freaking bored will I be without you? Imagine watching FRIENDS, Simpsons, Spongebob squarepants, The Practice, Boston Legal and other tv shows alone?? my great companion at home... all the eating, playing of our playstation together... i miss the younger days...
To my Siglap Sec Sch mates:
Choon Lim, Nashran, Samantha:
My few good friends back in siglap... Lets go back to the swing one day again shall we? Then followed by a Anti-sprites and Anti-Faerie Dragon bashing... mmm... haha... remembered how we kept playing HeroesIII last time, when the next day was our Math Exam?
Rajes: Forever bubbly and cheery... and I love ur mum's cooking cant wait for deepavalli!! haha!
Cheryl, Serene: Fellow Muggers during O lvls at Macdonals... smart friendly gals...
To my poly mates:
YeeFung, KianKai, JinCai, ShiYou:
Band of brudders!! after graduation, all in different paths now... so much catching up to do. lets all survive NS together!!
Kelvin, Victor, Lihuey, Joanne, Ian:
Will always remember the PBL ordeal... am honoured to have worked with so many smart ppl like you all!
Smile more bro!! and maybe you wont scare me often anymore. haha jk! Thanks for all the tips and companion during our Gym sessions man...
Smart and competitive... admire your leadership skills and the ability to run further than
An-An, WeiWei, Samu:
Sakae Sushi? followed by chilling out at the merlion after that? without you guys, my life after school might become a bore... miss the good ol days...
Amanda, Jen, JieMin, LingWei, XiongQiang, LiWei:
Lets meet up at Minds Cafe again soon!! Tentative Date is on 20th Oct!
OLTC Havoc members:
Phyllis: Glad to have known you... Talented girl, remember to continue dancing for our Heavenly Father, all the best in your future endeavors in all your coming mission trips!
HuiJing, Brenda, ZhiWei, Shingo, Eric:
HAVOC!! great leaders... continue to remain jovial guys!!
to my Cell Group:
When i was the only guy left in the cell once upon a time, God finally heard my cries and sent you to join us! w00t! thks for all the prayer support, all the companionship, and everything... If I could define the term "Best Buddy", i would define it as "Jared".
Christopher, Douglas Tian:
Close buddies back in Sec 2... and still remember the funny times playing Neopets toegther. HAHA! You guys are one of the reasons why I enjoyed church fellowship so much back in the younger days.
Grace Chong:
Loyal and Sincere. Not surpried that God has blessed you with so many friends, in singapore and abroad. Thks for being a great sister-in-christ till now. Memories of all the times in dramalight and cell will always remain.
I always remember the day you made all of us remember your handphone number on the very first day u took over. Very motivated for the Lord, one who made an impact in my Christian life when I started out as a noob... love your dramas!
My bus buddy! Still remember how we will take bus 293 from church to tampines interchange, then take bus 27 to Airport, followed by bus 53 back home. Great friend... very loyal. i thank God for you!
Lets pull through together! Lets survive our NS tour while remaining sane!! great buddy to hang out with... we have more buffets yet to choing for!!
FAITHFUL friend! we know you aren't pregnant of course!! xD (well not yet, at least for the next year or two... or three...) God has really blessed you with a great voice to bless others! How do i know? because i'm one of them who has been blessed by it...
Rest of cell members:
Thanks for the support and friendship that you guys have showered me when I first stepped in in Sec 1!! you guys will never be forgotten...
Choir members:
My latest group of friends that God has blessed me recently!!
Crazy women. period. HAHA!! Fervent for God... knows when to be serious, when to laugh and play around. Someone whom I respect.
God has blessed me with another sister-in-christ! And I am very grateful for wad you did for me on my bday and your gift! hmmm... perhaps I have found someone to pamper in the days to come?
Sweet lil girl since the days of dramalight! and now a cell grp leader and my senior in choir...
Rest of the choir:
Lets all continue to Sing for our Lord guys!! Thanks for the guidance and friendship and laughters!!
So many people, so many friends... for those whose name i didn't mention... dun worry, you all are still remembered xD
REMOVE THAT QUESTION!!!!!!! the one under my name. you are supposed to be my FAITHFUL friend ok! dun bully me. :(
okok... *patpat... dun cry k... your faithful friend always will remain faithful!
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