more than hope
"We all need a reminder once in awhile..."
Sometimes, i just hate the system that men themself create.
Do you know that when you make a purchase thru a Credit Card transaction, even if you didn't sign on the merchant's receipt or invoice, the transaction will still go through?
Even if a STUPID taxi driver (from a blue cab company) delibrately takes ur card, and charge the fare to Mastercard, the transaction still goes through and you still pay the stupidly high admin charges. EVEN if you didn't sign the merchant's receipt.
so in short, one swipe = transaction goes through.
According to DBS bank when i called, the signing of the receipt thingy after a purchase of a product/service doesn't mean much... its only for the sake of Formality.
Only when some client found out theres some discrepancies in his Bill, and complain, then an investigation may be filed, which might take up to 60 days!! then i guess only then they will somehow trace back and find the signed receipts from the merchant and verify. Then again, there is yet another administrative charge, payable by us if they take the effort to find the receipt.
Then again... actually theres no need of a signature when u use a card transaction. think online shopping. yep.
So since theres no need of any signature to begin with... scrap it!! Formallity sake? wad nonsense! if theres no good sense in implementing something, then Don't!
Well as always, we singaporeans will keep complaining on soemthing, and almost Nothing will ever be done. UNTIL something MAJOR happens.
maybe one day when all taxi drivers starts snatching consumer's credit card and swipe it using Visa or master. forcing us not to pay by cash and/or nets. Only THEN maybe will have new legislation that enforces all invoices and receipts to be Signed by consumer before the bank transaction goes through...
Its not about the money. its not that i'm poor and can't pay. Its a matter of principle. Why can't you wait for a mere 3 minutes to receive your cash? Why are you forcing me to pay the high admin charge? it may be a simple as a few cents/dollars now... but wad about next time, when we're talking about 3 or 4 digit figures?
Why must alot of singapore merchants have Crappy Customer Services? Why? Is it that your bosses are reaping in most of the profits and is paying you peas? Is it becoz of tt you are not happy working, thus cant be bothered with providing service to the customers? Then Don't Work in the service sector!! SHOO!!
Places which recently pissed me of due to their CRAPPY customer services:
- Pizza Hut (Tampines Mall)
- Comfort Taxi
(cant remember le... i tend to forgive and forget... sometimes i think i forgive too easily... jia lat...)
- The drinks stall at the coffeshop at Marsiling, near Jared's place. HAHA! another story another time.
- My camp's Store and their storemen. (HAHA!)
Places with excellent services:
- Hisshou Jap restuarant, at Pasir ris elias mall (ala carte buffet)
- Oscar restuarant at Conrad Centennial Hotel (awesome waffles and crayfish)
- The Ban Mian stall at the coffeshop at Marsiling, near Jared's place
Ok. its late! time to sleep soon! Good night!!
Anyway some positive stuff about this past week!
Church today!! fellowship with cell during lunch was interesting... talking about buddhism and some evolution theory stuff, regarding priscilla's essay.
Choir was great as always... love the tune of Altho parts in some songs... super nice. bedder than the tune of melody in certain songs... hahaha... love singing... even though my range not that good yet... hmm...
Bought the soundtrack of High School Musical Yesterday!! I'm Soaring!!
Also met up with daniel, Jared and grace ytd. Argh... must be determined to complete House of the Dead 4 the Next time round!!! *digs for more coins...
Dinner with Choir members and Yong bin! super talented guy with great voice... i must learn more... mmm...

Althos, the ally of us Basses. =D

Fish Steamboat. Which contains mostly Fishhead! so lil meat. mmm... to add fish meat, it's cost us ten bucks more. hmm...
Had waffles and Ice cream once again (after SO long) at Galare with Linda early this week!! xD helping her in her course to gain some weight... haha!

Chocolate Overload. mmm...

my hair abit messy man... and the one who complained that she's too thin! where got?
Cheers, have a blessed week ahead my dear friends!!
"...and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us"
- Hebrews 12:1 -
Sometimes, i just hate the system that men themself create.
Do you know that when you make a purchase thru a Credit Card transaction, even if you didn't sign on the merchant's receipt or invoice, the transaction will still go through?
Even if a STUPID taxi driver (from a blue cab company) delibrately takes ur card, and charge the fare to Mastercard, the transaction still goes through and you still pay the stupidly high admin charges. EVEN if you didn't sign the merchant's receipt.
so in short, one swipe = transaction goes through.
According to DBS bank when i called, the signing of the receipt thingy after a purchase of a product/service doesn't mean much... its only for the sake of Formality.
Only when some client found out theres some discrepancies in his Bill, and complain, then an investigation may be filed, which might take up to 60 days!! then i guess only then they will somehow trace back and find the signed receipts from the merchant and verify. Then again, there is yet another administrative charge, payable by us if they take the effort to find the receipt.
Then again... actually theres no need of a signature when u use a card transaction. think online shopping. yep.
So since theres no need of any signature to begin with... scrap it!! Formallity sake? wad nonsense! if theres no good sense in implementing something, then Don't!
Well as always, we singaporeans will keep complaining on soemthing, and almost Nothing will ever be done. UNTIL something MAJOR happens.
maybe one day when all taxi drivers starts snatching consumer's credit card and swipe it using Visa or master. forcing us not to pay by cash and/or nets. Only THEN maybe will have new legislation that enforces all invoices and receipts to be Signed by consumer before the bank transaction goes through...
Its not about the money. its not that i'm poor and can't pay. Its a matter of principle. Why can't you wait for a mere 3 minutes to receive your cash? Why are you forcing me to pay the high admin charge? it may be a simple as a few cents/dollars now... but wad about next time, when we're talking about 3 or 4 digit figures?
Why must alot of singapore merchants have Crappy Customer Services? Why? Is it that your bosses are reaping in most of the profits and is paying you peas? Is it becoz of tt you are not happy working, thus cant be bothered with providing service to the customers? Then Don't Work in the service sector!! SHOO!!
Places which recently pissed me of due to their CRAPPY customer services:
- Pizza Hut (Tampines Mall)
- Comfort Taxi
(cant remember le... i tend to forgive and forget... sometimes i think i forgive too easily... jia lat...)
- The drinks stall at the coffeshop at Marsiling, near Jared's place. HAHA! another story another time.
- My camp's Store and their storemen. (HAHA!)
Places with excellent services:
- Hisshou Jap restuarant, at Pasir ris elias mall (ala carte buffet)
- Oscar restuarant at Conrad Centennial Hotel (awesome waffles and crayfish)
- The Ban Mian stall at the coffeshop at Marsiling, near Jared's place
Ok. its late! time to sleep soon! Good night!!
Anyway some positive stuff about this past week!
Church today!! fellowship with cell during lunch was interesting... talking about buddhism and some evolution theory stuff, regarding priscilla's essay.
Choir was great as always... love the tune of Altho parts in some songs... super nice. bedder than the tune of melody in certain songs... hahaha... love singing... even though my range not that good yet... hmm...
Bought the soundtrack of High School Musical Yesterday!! I'm Soaring!!
Also met up with daniel, Jared and grace ytd. Argh... must be determined to complete House of the Dead 4 the Next time round!!! *digs for more coins...
Dinner with Choir members and Yong bin! super talented guy with great voice... i must learn more... mmm...

Althos, the ally of us Basses. =D

Fish Steamboat. Which contains mostly Fishhead! so lil meat. mmm... to add fish meat, it's cost us ten bucks more. hmm...
Had waffles and Ice cream once again (after SO long) at Galare with Linda early this week!! xD helping her in her course to gain some weight... haha!

Chocolate Overload. mmm...

my hair abit messy man... and the one who complained that she's too thin! where got?
Cheers, have a blessed week ahead my dear friends!!
"...and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us"
- Hebrews 12:1 -
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