Monday, December 10, 2007


Alright new layout... something brighter and new. yep...

Today something amazing happened!

My boss smiled from so widely today at me!! when i told him im making a move just now (was on half day leave today), she gave me a super wide smile, and saying bye to me! oooo...

That's a good change i guess. yep...

Li Jia said her condition is Improving!! Thats great news!! Seriously... its terrible seeing your good friends in sickly miserable state. it aches my heart... We shall continue to include her in our daily prayers! yep...

Printed 2 new piano sheets, in an ambitious attempt to learn... hahaha. both from final fantasy... well, no harm trying I guess. Yep...

Watched Enchanted today! Several scenes were kind of cliche and has slight resemblance to some of our ol' Fairy tales, with the typical happy-oh-life-is-so-beautiful kind of songs, but still I feel it was a very original, new fairy tale that was well produced. think everyone Loved the chipmunk!! Had a great laugh with Jared and Bel, and there was even one point when a guy our front row burst out in a SUPER loud HAHA! and the whole cinema went crazy and started laughing so hard! =)

Went shopping after that too. Jared got his new pair of jeans, Bel and her new green top, and everybody's little items for the making of christmas cards and gifts.

argh. no mood to go back work tmr. haha. today seems like another weekend!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still haven gotten a hold on the christmas cards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

December 11, 2007 at 12:53 AM  

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