Sunday, December 2, 2007

Live to Smile

Visited Riverlife Church today.

And we witnessed a living miracle. The guest speaker, Nick Vujicic, was one who lived his past 25 years without any arms... and legs. Yet, he is still able to stand up (literally), smile, and REJOICE in the Lord!!

With that, now what right do we have to complain about the little things in life? What right do we have to complain when our buses are late, or when we get frustrated when we carelessly dropped our remote control, or when we mistakenly write some mistake on our paper.

And because of that, I have somehow found the answer I was looking for 6 months ago.

Yes i teared. And sometimes I want to go back in time and reattempt again. I wished I could pushed a little harder and hope I survived. I wish...

But I truly thank God for today and the circumstances that I had to go through. There could be a hidden purpose. There must be...

And yes. There was.

"Rejoice Always"
-1 Thessalonians 5:16-


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