Under exposed?

Bacon Sandwich with French Toasts
Chicken Macaroni Soup
Going to bathe and sleep soon...
Prayer List for the night:
-> Jared and his medic appointment in Speedlight's Step-up camp - To know his roles and be have the capacity to perform his task at his best, and to look after his kids while enjoying the camp.
-> Linda's Mid semester examination - To be able to focus and to study despite the many distractions around, and to score good grades for His glory!
-> Isabel's Sore throat - For complete healing and restoration of her throat and her voice. For her white blood cells and macrophages to engulf all harmful pathogens and to be well in Jesus name!
-> Lijia, bel and Jared's examinations - For smooth marking and grading of their exam scripts, and for them to achieve good marks for all their modules!
-> My brother and his temper - That he'll be able to control his emotions and temper and mood...
-> For good health - That me and my friends will continue to stay in good shape & health, that we will not to fall ill to any sickness during this festive season.
can you pls be a chef and invite us over...........
YA MAN!!! one day we go ur place and u cook us breakfast, lunch, & dinner ok!!!!
hahahahhaha...yes be the chef of the day!
one day one day...
these few weeks im still in the experimentation phase... ^^
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