Saturday, April 12, 2008

As the morning wakes

The hallway is quiet. Went over and refilled my bottle with water once again. The late nights have been detrimental to my throat and health. The molecules consisting of 2 Hydrogen atoms and an Oxygen atom has been a great aid in preventing my vocal chords from degradation. The hallway is still quiet. There isn't anyone discussing on the latest update on the field, nor is there personnel rushing from room to room delivering various reports and documents.

The mechanical sound of the water-cooler dispensing water from its pipes, and into my bottle sounded loud for the very first time. I guess most of us are tired. The sacred art of sleeping while on duty without being caught has seemed to be the acceptable norm after a certain hour in the wee morning.

Hope. To look ahead with confidence. To wish and desire for something that hasn't come to pass. This little hope that's in everyone of us, a hope that all this will come to an end eventually. That everything will normalize soon. This whole episode has been dragging for too long, Until now, we are still waiting for the truth to be disclosed. And hope that all this isn't just a facade that's covering up another dramatic tale.

Looking at the other side of the coin, the experience and exposure has been fruitful. Taking a short break from the routine instructor role and to know and adapt to a different side of the organization. I thank God.

I make my way back to my cell though the quiet hallway, and my stomach starts growling.

Time for some bowl noodles :)


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