Sunday, June 15, 2008

Myocardial Infarction?

"A 20-year-old trainee pilot with the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) collapsed during jungle orientation training in Brunei and died on Wednesday, a day after an army recruit, also 20, fainted and died on Pulau Tekong on Tuesday, barely five days into his national service.

In Wednesday's incident, regular serviceman, Officer Cadet (OCT) Clifton Lam Jia Hao collapsed at about 5.45 pm and was given immediate first aid treatment by a doctor and a senior medic, said a Ministry of Defence statement on Thursday."
-The Straits Times-

My heart goes out to his parents. Losing a young son for no reason is a painful reality for any parent to accept. Even if he was my brother, will I dare to come to terms with his death?

A scenario which is familiar isn't it? Way too familiar. More than a year ago, another Officer Cadet also had a similar encounter during his jungle orientation training in April. Thank God he is still alive. I really wouldn't know what his parents would go through if he wasn't. Really.

Questions still unanswered. Why?

As we wait for more answers from their investigations and all, i really pray that there's isnt any cover ups or any hidden untold truth.

Just finished my liabilities recently, i'm disappointed to say that Cover-ups is a sick disease that's happening around in there.

On a lighter note, I just came back from watching "The Happening". Apart from the weak plot and writer's vivid imaginations on the many ways humans can end their life, I was quite annoyed at the acting style of the Protagonist. His expressions and emotions seemed abit unrealistic and exaggerated at times. The only "moral" of the story i can derive from this disappointing film is that the writer is sending a message to all of us, telling us that one day, mother nature may somehow strike back at us, for causing so much environmental damages around the globe. Deforestation, global warming for instance.

On another lighter note, I've finally debranded my Samsung U700 Phone! No more M1 and their user-unfriendliness nonsense in it! No more accidental internet access, no more redundant soft-touch options, no more sore-eyes caused by the stupid M1 logo on the phone screen. Yes, even the text-messaging is now a breeze! With lesser steps involved when sending a simple text.

On yet another lighter note, for dear friend Isabel is on Page 7 of the Life Section of today's Sunday Times!


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