He cycles and swims daily. He also eats moderately, enjoys his work and sleeps well at night."
-ST, wed 10th sept-
For those who hasn;t read yesterday's papers, the above-mentioned "he" refers to our Minister Mentor, and it is definitely an example to follow. Despite his age, his positive attitude towards life and personal discipline to maintain in good shape is inspiring! And with my regular cravings/consumption of Carls Jr's Double Western Bacon Cheesebuger with crisscut fries, I wonder how long will I survive. Hoho.
Speaking of health, periodically i'm having anginas again. Doctors claimed i'm well, and I believe that im not suffering from any form of coronary artery disease or any form of atherosclerosis.
A quick search on the net led me to the following;
Uh huh.
There's no end to knowledge. No end to what we can learn provided one is given sufficient time and resources. And that's what keeps me going in pursuing science i guess. The constant discovery of new facts/characteristics of our ownself, and the little minute details in each one of us, knowing that God has put so much effort in perfecting everyone of us to make us still so unique from each other.
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