Thursday, August 23, 2007


"Will it be too late by then?"

All of us just want to do so many things... but we always do not seem to have the time for it...

Meeting up with a good friend for dinner, playing at the arcade, window shopping around, spending time practising the guitar, chatting online with friends, watching your awaited favourite drama serial, spending time with God, having a short personal workout, having your favourite cereal for supper, checking emails, standing one side looking at my mum's pet mices having a whirl of a time among themselves and their new offsprings, taking a nice warm shower, and of course, having a good night's sleep to end the day.

Yep... did all the above yesterday night. amazing isn't it.

Yepyep... new skin for this site. The pic, is taken by my brother at pasir ris park. so yea, no plagarism here ya... copyrighted stuff... mmm... His camera too chim... so many variables to play with... haha. read his cam manual can also fall asleep.

Yepyep... today's a good day... xD


Blogger Linda Ong said...

hey! add a cbox leh! hahah..

August 24, 2007 at 12:35 PM  

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