Friday, September 21, 2007

to ponder

"Reflection... on the week before I become another year older..."

To judge... to critisize...
Just what right do I have?
I know I am not perfect...
while habouring many unasnwerable whys...

To work... to perform...
Just how long do I need to endure?
Following everyday's painful routine...
And meet the expected norm...

To care... to love...
Just how much will I sacrifice?
Providing and giving whenever I can...
Trying to be a loving white dove...

To compare... to contrast...
Just when will I stop?
Aches still seem to linger...
When old memories flashes past...

To dream... to live...
Just looking ahead in this path...
With nothing stopping me in my way...
Knowing that God has still so much to give...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

got influenced by your best friend and became a poet? =)

September 22, 2007 at 5:11 PM  
Blogger Eugene said...

haha... sometimes my entries will be like that one... since ages ago... xD

October 3, 2007 at 2:54 AM  

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