Thursday, November 29, 2007


Was slightly surprised when he asked me to "book" my december duty date. Hello? I thought you said i'll be free from december's liabilities?

Kinda used to the system I guess... nothing's fixed and assured. Anytime, any momment, a turn out may be called, a new directive may be issued, a call for a new ops order, etc...

Less than 7 months to go. I'm happy.

Left with 2 more days of leave this year... waiting to use those 48 hours to spend with you guys when ALL your exams end.

Bel ended hers on wednesday. met up with her, dan and flan...

The pastry pot from Soup Spoon from Paragon is rather disappointing. suspected its been baked and cooled for a long time, before reheating in an oven prior to serving it to me. the pastry wasn't firm and was way too flaky, and was breaking off too easily. It brought a fresh new definition of the word: CUI !

The sticky chewy sundae was still as good! mmmmm...

It was good to see the smile on her face, knowing her exams have ended. I miss such feelings back in the school... sigh.

Now we're left with Linda, Jia and Jared.


The warm feeling of being with friends is, in very simple terms, good. yepyep.

Flannery told me this:
"See, don't you think you have more time these days, now that you've quit?"


Had a short nap just now, woke up for Boston Legal. And me as a good faithful older brother, who has the positive intention to remind his younger brother that he loves, that his own favourite show is about to start, sets of from my room to Daryl's room.

I walked out from my room door, turn left, and i literally crashed into a TREE !


ARGH !! was in a state of shock! the sharp pines of the tree were, erm, Sharp!! and i wasn't wearing any shirt, and my poor upper body was scarred!! Ok maybe not scarred haha.

Why on earth is there a tree in my house in the middle of the night??


A Christmas tree.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

its so hilarious! (you crashing into a tree that part) hahaha
cant imagine. i would love to witness that sight. hahaa

i long for a christmas tree in my future home..

the mad woman who is still having exams.

November 29, 2007 at 11:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not bad not bad..

U haf the O and R now!

U can smell the D soon enough man, hang in there =)


November 30, 2007 at 7:48 AM  
Blogger enhui said...

hahaha eugene, yes the part about you crashing into a tree was hilarious. i miss hanging out! =( MY EXAMS ARE OVER TOO! *HINT*

December 2, 2007 at 12:40 AM  
Blogger Eugene said...

jia - if u bribe me, i might crash into a tree just for u to see. ha!

greg - Yepyep!! soon...

grace - haha... jared hasnt end yet! but soon!!

December 2, 2007 at 12:54 AM  

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