Saturday, December 6, 2008

Let it burn

Interest and passion. I feel that they are vital keys in pushing oneself to strive harder in the discipline that one is pursuing. There's no point in forcing oneself to indulge wholeheartedly in an activity that one doesn't have interest in, perhaps due to historical factors or other unaccounted variables that external friends might not have knowledge about.

My next quiz is 7 hours time. Thank God that my fever did not worsen. Technically fever is a good thing, but to burn the midnight petrol without sleep while running a temperature can turn oneself to be the most grouchiest person you've ever met.

Studying can be fun. Especially if you like the subject or you enjoy the knowledge gained during the learning process in lectures and labs. But the fact that I have to read up and study about Amphibians and Fishes, and to learn about their immune system just simply switches my brain to a blank. Seriously I do not care about these creatures I have no interest in! Ugh. Perhaps reading the bible soon might perhaps let my brain have a lil break and perhaps try to force myself to study on them later the morning.

US job losses at 34-yr high
"THE latest United States jobs data have sent the unmistakeable message that the world’s largest economy is careening deeper into recession."

If the big players are sinking, our economy in our lil red dot might follow suit to a certain extent. It's gonna be the survival of the fittest. Which reminds me that my current friends at school are my direct "opponents" in the similar career field. Hoho.


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