Not focusing purely on the deeds and actions to be a christian, but to focus on the relationship and we have in Christ. When our foundations are right and strong with our Maker, every other aspects and daily actions would naturally manifest itself positively. Having experienced both sides of the spectrum in this faith for several years, the results of having a skewed foundation with our God can be disastrous.
Pics for Cell Retreat 2008 are up! Members, check your emails, or drop me an msg on Msn.
Morning Reflection by the Beach
Morning prayer and personal devotion
Group devotion and sharing

And of course breakfast! We had Peanut butter sandwich, Milo, and Prata with eggs. Mmmm. All the carbohydrates, protein and lipids we need for the day ahead.

The morning then took off with God's word by our dear Brother Victor. Are we unknowing "doing" christianity? And have we neglected what is more important, our relationship with christ, our identity, purpose and priorities?
It was then followed by worship, prayer and ministering. and the tears just couldn't stop when we were praying for each other. I thank you again Jared for our friendship. Really.

Haha! notice our dear amelia, and take note of the remaining photos that come later.
Everything lasted through lunch, where all of us fasted, and we went on to our own personal time of reflection, followed by group sharing and prayer.
Ahh... someone
sneakily took a short snooze!
Learnt how to play bridge, like finally! Didn't know it required quite some bit of thinking

Games time!!
Our gamemaster Joanna!
Entitled "Change", everyone is divided into 4 groups, and revolves around simple tasks that everyone is able to perform. But what happens if suddenly due to limiting factor, are we still able to adapt and continue with the task and persevere on?
First Activity! Keeping balloons suspended in midair, and the teams with their balloons hitting the ground are eliminated.


Second Activity! Using a pair of scissors and sheets of paper, the team who cuts out the most Star wins!

Activity no.3! Every member are to send the following message to Joanna via SMS. messages with any wrong capitalization, punctuation or spelling are rejected.
Hi Joanna,
I love playing this game. From EugeneFirst team with all member's correct sms wins!

And next up Round 2! Now lets have a repeat of all the activities again, but with a small change. How will the teams cope?
Activity one, suspending balloons in midair with our hands tied, and without using hands to touch it.

BenFoo's group's balloon flew into the room, and he just simply dragged his teammates into the room with him! Hilarious!
Next! Instead of cutting out starts by your ownself, one teammate holds the paper for you, while you snip out a paper star! Careful with the fingers!

Last one! Sending joanna a similar message, but typing the message with our phones inverted! Try it, its fun! haha!

Last game before dinner! More pics found at bel's blog.
Trust in God

for His love endures forever!

Joanna, tired after a day's work

I am thankful for the food, the fellowship, and most importantly, God's love for us. Without Him, all these would not have taken place.
On a side note:

Copulation in progress. In the midst of our BBQ. Get a room!